The Poor Little Goldfish Were Sealed With Transparent Resin? Don'T Cry, You Look Carefully
We have the impression of Jurassic Park mosquito amber? Resin wrap mosquitoes, make it to be preserved, in fact, this probability is very rare! But in Japan, some people will be sealed with resin. A small goldfish...

Small goldfish swayed, beautiful tail waft, just as it is still in the water swimming... Wow, how to put it into the resin! What bastard!!
But also not only one, is filling a few fish will be painful, painful ah QQ!

Somebody must think so?
Don't be nervous, in fact, these are not real goldfish!! These goldfish are a painting out of the painting, and goldfish are painted on the transparent resin oh!
That is to say, only the container is true.

The creation of these goldfish remarkably like the true painting artist, he is — — Japanese Fukahori Takasuke.

It's hard to believe that these fish are just paintings if they haven't seen the objects and the creative process. In the past 14 years, Fukahori Takasuke has been painting goldfish, and even innovative painting on the resin special techniques.
This painting is difficult to copy, but also very time-consuming. Fukabori Ryusuke will pour a layer of resin in containers, such as dried resin painted on the first pattern layer, and then poured into the second layer, second layer resin painting patterns.....

This is like the anatomy of goldfish like painting, if there is no understanding of them, it is difficult to do
Also, it takes two days for each layer of resin to dry completely! So it is very time-consuming, and even some large works will take two months to complete.

The reason why there is such a real sense, in addition to Fukahori Takasuke's understanding of the goldfish, but also in his anatomy.
A layer of paint stacked, in transparent resin, pigment shadow made goldfish body shadow, use of lighting to make the goldfish more vivid.

Fukabori Ryusuke will begin to draw goldfish, because he had 7 years of goldfish died, and he was working for shilly-shally, originally intended to draw a solution lovesickness goldfish, he has become a switch towards world-class stage, and began painting the creation of resin on goldfish.
So every time he was interviewed, he always said, "I was saved by a goldfish.".
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