Play Video Games! Use Silk Diy Never Disappear Rainbow

Rainbow is always fleeting, looked up in the unconscious will disappear, warm and beautiful but can not stay. Artist Gabriel Dawe to play a wonderful idea to make this image can be permanently retained, with the fact that nearly a hundred kilometers long silk. Good at creating installation art he like silk, build 5.7 meters high through the zenith using 15 kinds of colors of silk thread of the rainbow bend, left a beautiful rainbow in the interior will never disappear.

The display in Washington's "Plexus A1" in the real silk thread was partly hidden and partly visible non photorealistic rendering, almost as light color persistence. At first glance it seems only the thread straightened art, in fact, either in structure or techniques are extremely complex. A series of works as a name, "Plexus" is perplexing the network organization, Gabriel Dawe made a huge rod needle stitch this piece of rainbow waterfall flows, every thread must be with thousands of other threads cross link was able to show three-dimensional circular structure, and the line and the line of tension.

The growth in Mexico's Gabriel Dawe, who have been taught with the grandmother sewing embroidery girls exclusive handiwork, so they want to pursue the art of embroidery hidden desires, until they grow up after a chance for what I want to do. Gabriel Dawe himself for his pursuit of the art, in addition to exploring the beauty of knitting art, but also want to put forward to the community questioned the stereotype, trying to overthrow the rule of the society in the spirit of masculinity.

Gabriel Dawe to create a rainbow of both value and social significance of art, like unreal mirage see vision, actually is often interspersed with overlapping filaments, like the recessive sex in the framework of social, still affects all social roles to deep. Brave to break through the traditional to modern times, the other is creative, and art is an important value of the world brought about by the.
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