Kay:Sekimachi: Dried Leaves Make Leaf Bowl Sculpture


Kay:Sekimachi: Dried Leaves Make Leaf Bowl Sculpture

The Japanese American artist Kay Sekimachi has created a braid group works with natural dried leaves as material, its shape like a bowl of art with beautiful leaf texture, and extends to various types of natural leaf shape itself, with beautiful and charming gesture fragile.

Kay Sekimachi was born in California in 1962 as a student of craft quite obsessed, once only see other students in the process of weaving weaving room, the next day with all his savings and bought a knitting machine, and then she even to weave a don't know. Perhaps it is the determination and the power that enables her to create many fascinating works.

Different from previous works using woven hemp or fabrics as the material, the work is still in the " container; " appearance to appear, but leaves as the main material and add more vitality and fragile beauty works.

See details can enlarge to see the complete thread of leaf texture, thickness of the veins can be said staggered knitting work itself is the nature of the.

Different kinds of leaves are used to produce different styles and colors.

Some works using the leaves appear as Chu red flame in general; and the use of lighter leaves then more thin fragile image.

In addition to the leaves of raw materials, in the process of creation of Kay Sekimachi will also use watercolor paper and paint, and paper, to strengthen or fixed and presenting auxiliary blade.

The blade has a natural attitude, and a perfect radian leaves bowl works put together, is really very beautiful, you can feel from the works of natural change and artists in the creation of the Kay Sekimachi and Kay Sekimachi will also be carefully; at this year's 7~10 month, with the artist's husband Bob Stocksdale Washington State's Bellevue Arts Museum to display the theme of "In The Realm of Nature" exhibition.

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