Fun Interactive Device: Experience The Clown Fish In The Sea Anemone In The Shuttle Feeling

A lane Canada Quebec district appeared an interesting device art, buoyancy along the rod on both sides of the wall used to cover the entire large swimming lane, far from the wall like grow numerous tentacles, like a sea anemone, walk in it must feel quite subtle!

Interactive art installations created by the Les Astronautes team, special custom super large foam seat up on the wall on both sides, hang swimming rod is the key of the whole design, numerous tentacles gently swing natural appearance, exudes a ineffable aura, like in the call to people "a little bit, curious people will be tempted to go try.

Team members said they deliberately choose a normal no one will go to the alley, went into the alley behavior, evoke the re understanding of the region consciousness, although this alley usually do not have these tentacles, but at least this device successfully people back into here.

At night, the light seemed to be more "spiritual", as if it were a bit of a struggle to summon people to the past!
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