Flowers Into Resin: Handmade Crystal Flower Bracelet


Flowers Into Resin: Handmade Crystal Flower Bracelet

Beautiful and colourful flowers once from the root is off in the vase, no matter how to take care of life, usually only 3~7 days, really let people sigh beautiful flower ah ~ but not long to live in the United States Oregon artist Sarah Smith has spent will freeze the age of magic is the flowers made after processing into Jewelry - Resin Bracelet dazzling, let the flower is the most beautiful moment is preserved!

Each flower is personally selected by Sarah, she will be the first flower drying process, and then put into the heat of the melted resin, made into a crystal like crystal bracelet!!

Like natural Sarah produced many exquisite bracelet by many relatives and friends of all ages, so she will work on their own website Modern Flower and Child Etsy shopping site selling.

In addition to the bracelet, but also will be made of flowers necklace, earrings and other resin jewelry, so that people can always wear the natural beauty of the body.

Even the pineal, feathers, flowers, shells, bark or even moss are also the source of Sarah!

Sometimes Sarah will also be in accordance with the needs of customers, the customer to provide small items into the resin jewelry.

Nature of the colorful colors, as if they have been scaled in a small Bracelet among them, light to see people happy!

As the saying goes, slow, because the bracelet must be designed, mold, solidification and grinding process of 4, to 2 to 3 weeks to complete a piece of jewelry yo ~ resin

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