Cute Wool Ball Bookmark Diy Handmade Graphic Tutorials


Cute Wool Ball Bookmark Diy Handmade Graphic Tutorials

The craft method for making over a variety of bookmarks, bookmarks, bookmarks, such as cardboard folding cloth clip bookmarks, bookmarks, and today we offer a very creative wool bookmark Handmade tutorial.

Method of making the wool ball bookmarks with our previously introduced a caterpillar toy is very similar ( here ), so if you cannot read the place can go to look at the tutorial.

First, Mao Xianqiu in the 3 finger looping, roll out the ball of yarn; then in accordance with the icon will be tied and cut the ball of yarn; wool ball trim finally will be cut into circular, got a cute ball of wool bookmark. How to master the know-how, minutes will be able to easily complete a, interested friends to try it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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