A Specimen Of Insects As Precious As Jewels


A Specimen Of Insects As Precious As Jewels

Speaking of insects

I believe in 10 people in 9 will feel itchy fur

We used to live in the jungle

Always do not know how to cherish the existence of other biological species

In fact, I am also a small series ~ ~ often very afraid of insects

Think they're small

But extremely out of control

The last one is still in your sight

The second might swoop upon you with you.

The First impressions are strongest impression

So it's never been a good look at the insect

This time I saw the insect specimens of Christopher Marley

Really feel that they should also be a reasonable

Look carefully

Regardless of shape / color / structure

Can be called the most beautiful creature within the biosphere

Christopher Marley is a collection of specimens

Once a very active model

Because the working relationship, has been stationed in Southeast Asia for many years

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